Sunday, August 16, 2009

Top 10

Everyone has a top ten list they can think of, Top 10 movies, top 10 songs, top 10 games, whatever your interests are.

Here is my question for the day.

Can you list 10 things you like about yourself? Be Honest. Can you? I dare you...

It's harder than everyone thinks it is. Society in general I believe puts the emphasis on everyone else and their feelings, but really lacks the intellegence to focus on oneselves every once and awhile. Then the next thing you know, is you read an article in the paper about two young adults walking their school, pulling out firearms, and deciding, hrm, this could be fun! All because why? No not some kids playing too many video games, but at one point in time or another, these two boys were brutually teased. I feel for them, I do, as does anyone else who has ever been teased.

Honestly, what for!?! Does the next generation think so little of themselves and their peers, that they really have the nerve to go into their schools and randomly shoot people?

Welcome to my grade 11 school year. April 1999. Two young males, aged 17 and 18 walked into their school in the states, and killed 13 people, and injured 21 others, before turning their guns on themselves. For weeks after, schools all over Canada and the States, had warnings issued to them. "Copy Cats" you could call them. My dad decided to keep me out of school on both of the days my school was threatened. The sad part is.... NOTHING has changed, in fact, it has gotten worse.

So I challenge you, because I cannot complete the challenge myself. Write a list, a top 10 things you like about yourself. No one can help you ... it has to come from within.

Good luck!


  1. part two of the blog is at hppt://

  2. I love your idea! I have been blogging for several is very cathartic!

    I am gonna start these comments on a positive note...not dwelling on things i DON'T like...but rather things I do!

    10 things I like about no particular order.

    1. I'm creative
    2. I'm not a typical guy (Stay at home father, hobbies that other men don't have, etc.)
    3. I love being a musician
    4. I am a good father, husband, son, and friend.
    5. I am caring, sympathetic, and generous.
    6. I hate to see people who are lonely...I always try and seek them out and comfort them and make them feel included.
    7. I am eternal optimist who believes in the good of humanity.
    8. I love birds and flowers...caring for them...and the feeling it brings me and others.
    9. My sense of humor.
    10. I like who I am when I look in the mirror :)

    Great blog and great idea to double blog...I am gonna post this on the other site as well :)

    Good luck with your blogs!! :)

    The Egel Nest
