Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'd Really Rather Not...

I'd like to start today's blog off by saying this isn't directed at anyone really... just an opinion.

No one just really says "You know, I'd rather not" anymore. There is always an excuse behind everyones' responses. No matter what it is that they are saying no to. I did it again today. I decided that guilt is their reasoning behind this. No one wants to tell anyone no anymore, because on the off chance they might need help one day, they don't want to completely ruin the relationship with the person they are talking with.

So why am I using people's guilt an excuse for their behavior? I guess that's not really the question that needs to be answered here. I guess the question that needs to be answered is Why am I letting people use guilt as an excuse for their behavior? Why am I not calling them out on it? Why am I letting myself get told no, but yet, if they need something from me.... I'm right there to lend a helping hand... 90% of the time. Sure I probably have honestly felt guilty for saying no to someone myself, when really "You know, I'd rather not" comes to mind. I guess we can't criticize others, when we have or still do it ourselves. For the most part, I try not to do this, I try to be honest in my opinions, sometimes that doesn't always play to my favour, however, I would rather be honest with them, then feel guilt because I'd really rather not.

But that's me. The majority of the people that are out there, do use guilt as an excuse. It's an easy one to use. The worst part about that fact is that why does everyone seem to realize this, but no one seems to put an end to it? Why do they not feel guilty about how they treat others? They don't care about that, even though it makes themselves look worse in the opinion of someone else looking in, rather than being honest from the start.

So the next time someone asks you if you'd help them out, would like to go somewhere, or maybe it's a friend that needs advise on a topic that you really feel strongly about, maybe next time, just say "you know, I'd rather not". Personally, I'd rather hear that, then some lame excuse you have conjured up so YOU don't feel guilty. Guilt is an emotion, not someones excuse.... Always remember, Karma works in mysterious ways.... Guilt is not excused from that. :)

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